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How To Post YouTube Shorts From Your Mobile Phone!

How To Post YouTube Shorts From Your Mobile Phone!

How to upload YouTube Shorts from your mobile phone. This is the step-by-step guide. With everything single step. And some commonly searched questions at the bottom!

As of June 2022, YouTube Shorts reached 1.5 billion monthly views. So posting a YouTube Short is a great way to get more views and exposure on YouTube! 

How To Post Shorts Using A Phone?

Step 1: Film A Video

You can upload more than one video or do a mixture of uploading and recording. Once you have your video you are ready for step 2.

Click + button to add a Shorts.
Click 'Create a Short' to upload or record.
YouTube Shorts recording page. All the options.

If you want to know more about filming a video, here are the two options:

Option 1: Film Outside Of The YouTube App

This way you can film on your camera or different apps. It also means you can edit your videos more easily. Or even import from platforms. If you want to see how to download TikToks without watermarks, you can check out how here!

The video must be no longer than 60 seconds and filmed in a portrait orientation. The best YouTube Shorts Resolution is 1080 * 1920.

Square videos will also be recognised by YouTube Shorts. But will have black bars around it.

When you are ready to upload:

  1. Open up your YouTube app
  2. Press the + button found at the bottom
  3. Select ‘Create a Short’
  4. Click on the bottom left hand side image. Then select your video.
  5. You can then upload another video or keep recording.
  6. Press the check mark to move onto the next step.

Option 2: Film In The YouTube App & All Effects

  1. Open up your YouTube app
  2. Press the + button found at the bottom
  3. Select ‘Create a Short’
  4. Decide the length of the video. If you want up to 60 seconds, press the ‘15’ button at the bottom of the screen. It should now say ‘60’
  5. Then press and hold the red record button to record. (If you don’t want to press and hold, set a timer and duration). 
  6. You can then upload a video or keep recording.
  7. Press the check mark to move onto the next step.
Screenshot showing YouTube Shorts filters and effects.

You can use the effects on the right. Explore and have some fun with them. To summarise these are the effects:

  • Flip: Switch between the front and back camera
  • Speed: Record in slow motion or fast motion
  • Timer: Set a timer and how long to record. That way you don’t have to press and hold.
  • Green Screen: add a background image. (This is still rolling out on Android, so you may not have it yet).
  • Filters: make it ‘pretty’
  • Align: Adds onion skins. It helps with transitions, as you can see where you were in the last recorded frame.
  • Trim: Trim the recorded videos.
  • Flash: You can film with the flash.

Some of the effects will only appear after you start recording or have uploaded. And may not appear in the front camera mode.

You can also add music.

Note: Recording with music will not record any of your original sound.

Step 2: Edit The Video

Screenshot of editing page on YouTube shorts.

Here you can add sound, text, and filters. These options are available if you have uploaded or recorded your video.

  • Sound: Add music and sound. You can pick from the YouTube library. 
  • Adding music will mute any of the original video’s sound. You cannot add music and original audio. Hopefully that changes soon!
    • Music can only be added for up to 15 seconds. If your video is longer, it will be quiet for the rest.
    • Once the music is added you can pick what section of the song you want to use. Or change the sound.
  • Text: Tap on screen or on the text icon to add text. You can change the font, justify type and background colour. 
  • Filters: Add some preset filters
  • Timeline: In the timeline section you can select the duration of the text and also where the music goes on the timeline.

Step 3: Post The Video

Now you finally get to share you video with the world.

  1. Press ‘Next’ once you are ready to upload. 
  2. Add a Caption. This is your title.
  3. Add #Shorts in the caption! And any other hashtags.
  4. This will help YouTube categorise your videos.
    • Viewers who are watching #Name will get recommended more #Name.
  5. Set the visibility, audience type and if comments are available.
    Click 'upload short'

Add #Shorts in the caption!
YouTube will recognise portrait videos, especially if you used ‘Create A Short’ as a ‘Short’. However, Google recommends that you still use #Shorts. So just be safe and use it!

(Optional) Step 4: Edit Short Details On Your Phone

It is possible to edit all the video details using your phone. This includes the thumbnail, description, location, tags, and any other settings. This can only be done after posting a video, if you are posting via the mobile phone app. 

You will need to download the YouTube Studio app for this. 

Here are the steps:

  1. Go to your YouTube Studio App
  2. Click on your video and then the pencil icon at the top to edit.
  3. From there you can edit all the settings as you normally would.This includes description, visibility, audience, playlists, tags, category, and comments.
  4. Some app versions: Click the pencil icon again to change the thumbnail. (This has now disappeared for me. But you can edit the thumbnail on the desktop website).
  5. Click save once you have updated everything.
Edit YouTube Shorts Details

And you are done! You have successfully uploaded and edited your YouTube Short!

FAQs - YouTube Shorts

Can you add a thumbnail, description, tag for shorts on the phone?

Yes and no! You can edit all the details except for the thumbnail. But you can only do this after the video is uploaded. You can read how to do this in Step 4. 

If you want to edit all the details and schedule the video, you will need to upload using the desktop. To do this, upload the video as normal. Just make sure that it is a portrait video,  no longer than 60 seconds, and add the #Shorts.

To edit the thumbnail: check your YouTube Studio app for any options. Otherwise, you will have to edit on the desktop. This can be after you've posted.

Do you need to add #Shorts?

It is not necessary if you’re uploading via mobile. HOWEVER, it is recommended. 

YouTube will recognise portrait videos under 60 seconds as a 'Short'. And this is especially true if you used ‘Create A Short' on the phone. However, Google recommends that you still use #Shorts. So just be safe and use it!

YouTube also recommends videos based on hashtags people are watching. So just by adding #Shorts you are adding yourself to that pool of videos. 

And if you are using a desktop, you will need to add it. 

Are YouTube hashtags case sensitive?

No. It does not matter if you capitalise or not. You may want to do camelCase (e.g. #ThisIsAHashtag) for readability. But this is not necessary.

This also means that #Shorts = #shorts

Can you upload YouTube Shorts on a desktop/computer?

Yes.  upload the video as normal. Just make sure that it is a portrait video,  no longer than 60 seconds, and add #Shorts.

What is the maximum length of video on YouTube Shorts?

At the moment it is 60 seconds. However, if you are using audio from YouTube the music will only play for up to 15 seconds. The rest will be silent.

Can I add music and original sound on YouTube Shorts?

No! But there are ways to get around it.

If you are using the music on the app, it will mute your video. 

If you do want to add music and your voice you will have to do this outside YouTube. Edit the video in another manner. But make sure you are using copyright free music! Otherwise YouTube may flag a Content ID claim. The video might be removed, you could get a copyright strike, and/or YouTube may just  block people from seeing your videos. 

Good luck filming Shorts!

It can be a lot of fun to get creative with a short amount of time. And the Shorts section of YouTube is still growing!

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